Vlad Alekhin: converting traffic into binary options clients

Vlad Alekhin: converting traffic into binary options clients

Along with Forex binary options are becoming increasingly popular in the Russian financial market – primarily due to rapid and transparent work system and possibility to rapidly join the game.

And although attracting clients to this financial field is relatively easier, this activity still requires skill and knowledge. In particular, it takes understanding of the principles of binary options market and proper cooperation with partner programs.

New RACE speaker works in this industry sector. Vlad Alekhin – is the owner OPTITRADER.RU, professional consultant for binary options. OPTITRADER.RU is the most influential resource in binary options industry that provides only relevant and unbiased information.

Speaker knows the principles of working in financial markets from the inside. For over 15 years in commercial banks Vlad has worked his way through all stages of corporate career up to executive positions and eventually became the major promoter of binary options in RuNet.

At specialized section “Forex and binary options” Vlad will speak about the role of industry partnership for successful conversion of traffic into loyal clients.

Key issues of Speaker’s report:

• Choice of strategy of work: arbitration vs customer relationship management

• The cost of attracting client vs his retention: is it worth it?

• Necessary resources and costs to build relationship with customer.

• Hiring professional consultant to work with your traffic.

Advice of the lecturer: try to preserve loyalty to your brand, services and manager – it is opportunity to 30 percent revenue increase of your traffic.

In addition to his major activities, speaker is actively developing direction of providing customer service to brokers and major affiliates on terms of outsourcing. On 8-9 October RACE participants will personally discuss opportunities for partnership.

Hurry up; seats in the section are limited.

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