Why website is poorly ranked in local search, and how to fix it

Why website is poorly ranked in local search, and how to fix it

Local search positions are quite significant for small businesses. We are going to tell about the key criteria of local search ranking and about factors, preventing the website from occupying a top position.

  1. Poor quality advertisements

You should give a company name, address, phone number and website, business category, as well as photos and feedback in advertisements posted on third-party resources.

  1. Not enough local inbound links

Focus on link building: you need inbound links from local news websites and blogs. These resources should be:

  • authoritative;
  • located in the same region as your business;
  • compatible with it thematically.
  1. Website has low trust rank

Trust rank is determined by quality and quantitative components. The first ones include: website design, content quality and information architecture. The second ones include: inbound links quality, domain trust rank and behavioral figures.

  1. Doubtful design

UX and UI directly influence behavioral figures and, consequently, SERP positions. Search bots poorly index several types of resources, for instance, flash websites. It is difficult to bear in mind all of these details on your own, thus you’d better use professional services.

  1. Google My Business or Yandex. Guideline page is filled poorly

If your page is filled poorly or even absent, it should be immediately corrected. Hire a photographer and add professional photos of your office and goods. Ask your customers to leave feedback and post photos related with your business.

Read also: How to increase website conversion in 5 steps.

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