Russian Affiliate Congress and Expo
24-25 OCTOBER 2013, MOSCOW
  • English
  • Русский
Тел. : +7(495) 2121128

Booth Design Recommendations

Booth Design Recommendations

Booth design methods are constantly improving. Some novelties are adopted to be used in the booth design for a long time, some come to fascinate visitors only once and go. Therefore, it is impossible to formulate general recommendations. The exhibitor’s main task is to differ from others.

Priority is the selection of an advantageous location in the pavilion. Each exhibit area, the pavilion, has specific features, and the exhibition booths effective for one exhibition may not work for another. According to the general rules, the visitors usually move counterclockwise from the periphery to the center. Hence the most advantageous location for your exhibition booth is on the right of the entrance to the pavilion and in its center. The flow of visitors will also be determined by the location of exclusive exhibition booths of the market leaders and companies conducting free lotteries and presentations. Do not place your booth away from the central passages and entrances, behind the big columns, load-bearing elements, etc., in the back of the additional hall of the exhibition pavilion, etc. The proximity of the booth to toilet rooms also has its obvious drawbacks, but in practice it can sometimes help achieve unexpected results.

