Programmatic advertising in 2017: top 5 trends

Programmatic advertising in 2017: top 5 trends

We have already written about the functioning of programmatic advertising and why it’s becoming popular on mobile devices. Today let us talk about what will happen to this technology in 2017.

  1. Sponsorship for programmatic grows

The Russian and global market will grow fast enough. Thus, in 2012 the programmatic accounted for only 12% of advertising budgets, in 2014 - 34% and in 2016 - 53%.

  1. The number of websites will grow

The number of programmatic tools will continue to grow due to the publishers switching to an automated advertising. Programmatic becomes more effective and cheaper method for them than sponsoring the team of direct sales experts.

  1. Targeting will get more accurate

Data providers and technology agencies are going to join forces to track cross device users activity and behavioral insights. The result is a new level of personalization and the opportunity to get more accurate targeting.

  1. Ad blocking problem will not be that serious issue anymore

There are at least three tendencies to prove this:

Ad blockers installation on mobile devices reduced significantly last year;

some publishers (eg, Facebook) provide tools for bypassing Ad blockers;

Ad blockers provide the possibility of showing ads that are relevant to their requirements. This is confirmed by the AdBlock example.

  1. Accounting for last click conversions will become irrelevant

Associative conversions and post-view-conversion will take its place. Thanks to them, it is possible to properly assess the contribution of each advertising partner and reasonably distribute advertising budget.

A couple of years ago, the last click attribution model was implemented by 80% of advertisers, in 2016 - 51%. In 2017, it is expected to remain in the past.

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